Catalina Foothills
School District(Tucson), AZ
- Located in
northside of Tucson, AZ, in foothills of Catalina Mountains. 4,800
Students, 8 Schools.
- Mary Kamerzell,
Ph.D., Superintendent; Mary Jo Conery, Assistant Superintendent
for 21st Century Learning
- Homepage: http://www.cfsd16.org/
- Superintendent's
Twitter: @CFSD16
- Contact: Mary
Jo Conery, mjc@cfsd.k12.az.us
Mission and Vision
- History
and Mission
- Our Mission: Catalina Foothills School District, a caring and
collaborative learning community, ensures that each student achieves
intellectual and personal excellence, and is ??well prepared for
college and career pathways.
- Our Vision: Learning transfers to life beyond the Catalina Foothills
School District experience, enabling each student to flourish as
a responsible citizen in the global community.

- Overview
of Deep Learning; Resources
for Deep Learning
Deep Learning Through Robotics. This page shows Scope and Sequence
for Grades 2-5 and Videos on Student Engagement and Collaboration
through Robotics.
- 21st
Century Learning Page . See interactive framework graphic (Rollover
each section to learn more). This page also links to sub-sections
on Overview, Resources for 21st century Learning, Elementary program,
Middle School Program, High School Program, Videos, etc.
- Resources
for 21st Century Learning: includes districtwide rubrics on
critical & creative thinking, self-direction, communication,
systems thinking, cultural competence, teamwork, and leadership.
for Deep Learning Proficiencies K-12: Citizenship;
and Innovation; Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving; Communication;
- Parent
Internet Viewer (PIV),
a web-based communication tool that allows parents/guardians and
students secure access to grade, assignment, and attendance information.
Teachers in CFSD are expected to update the grades/scores in their
gradebooks every two weeks. See slideshow.
- K-8
standards-based report card; CFSD Elementary
Report Card (Page 1)
- Teaching
and Learning in the 21st Century School District, Cyber Summit
2010 Webinar with moderator Bob
Pearlman, Mary Jo Conery,
Assistant Superintendent for 21st Century Learning for the Catalina
Foothills School District (CFSD), Tucson, AZ, and CFSD teachers
Mark Rubin-Toles, Wayne Thornes and Lindy
- Student
and Parent Survey Results Re: 21st Century Learning and Student
(PDF), May 2010
Educational technology Resources for Teachers from the district
Curriculum Technology Integrators (CTIs): Stay
Connected: Educational Technology in CFSD - Great resource for
teachers to use technology to support 21st Century Learning.
Case Study of Catalina
Foothills School District from P21's 21st Century Learning Exemplar
Program, June, 2016
- An
'A' in Abstractions: With assessment attracting increased focus
in the push for 21st century skills learning, a new issue arises:
How do you measure the immeasurable? By Paul Tullis, the Journal,
- Twenty-First-Century
Skills in Everyday Teaching, By Wayne Thornes (Catalina Foothills
Teacher), Connect magazine, January/February 2010, pages 4-6
- The
21st-Century Classroom: Learn how from educators who are doing it
now, By Pamela Wheaton Shorr, Cable in the Classroom, October
- Teaching
21st Century Skills: What does it look like in practice?, By
Nancy Walser Harvard Education Letter, September/October 2008
- Profiles
of 21st Century School Districts and Comparison with Upper Arlington,
prepared for Upper Arlington
City School District (OH), The Hanover Research Council, January
Videos and Webinars
- Superintendent's
- Deep
Learning Proficiencies Videos Page. See the video by the Pearson
Foundation on integrated learning, plus videos on each of the district's
21st Century Skill categories:
and Social Responsibility: Leadership, Self Direction, Teamwork,
Literacy: Interactive Communication, Tools And Technology, Global
Awareness, Cultural Competence
Learning &
Thinking Skills: Scientific Inquiry, Systems Thinking, Critical
and Creative Thinking, Data Analysis
- These videos
are also available on youtube at 21st
Century Learning (12 videos) in the Catalina Foothills School District
on youtube.
into Deep Learning: Systems Thinking and the 4Cs. Dr. Mary Jo
Conery, Associate Superintendent, Catalina Foothills School District,
and JoanYates, Vice President, Waters Foundation, Thursday, February
19, 2015. Recording. Webinar Materials: Making
Connections, Habits
of a System Thinker, Iceberg:
Seeing What's Below the Surface 1, and Iceberg
- The
Four C's: Making 21st Century Education Happen
features educational leaders from Envision Schools (California),
Catalina Foothills School District (Arizona) and Virginia Beach
City Public Schools (Virginia). Each school profile focuses on a
unique aspect of how 21st century skills can help prepare students
for college or a career. This film highlights both the student perspective,
as well as how educators are using the 4 C's to create a collaborative
environment. A presentation of EdLeader21
and the Pearson Foundation.
Published on April 16, 2012.
- Assessing
the Four C's: The Power of Rubrics
is a companion film to The Four C's: Making 21st Century Education
Happen and explores the special efforts three school districts (Envision
Schools [California], Catalina Foothills School District [Arizona]
and Virginia Beach City Public Schools [Virginia]) made to use rubrics
to assess 21st century student outcomes. These rubrics help teachers
specifically define each of the 4 C's and make them more transparent
to students and parents. A presentation of EdLeader21
and the Pearson Foundation.
Published on April 17, 2012.