Personalising Student Learning Videos

Best Educational Practices at Wooranna Park Primary School

Wooranna Park Primary School | Stimulating Learning Platforms | Best Educational Practice Videos | Other Wooranna Park Videos | Raison D’etre Document and Video

March, 2013 -- Wooranna Park Primary School (Melbourne, Australia) has just completed a series of videos for parents and teachers new to the school to learn about all the school's educational practices. These are a unique set of videos that teachers and administrators worldwide will find of immense interest and value in showing all the best practices in pedagogy, assessment, technology, and new learning environments that engage young students as self-directed, self-assessing, autonomous learners. You can watch these videos on this page or switch any video to Full Screen mode by clicking on the icon on the right below any of the videos, after you have hit play.

The first video, Personalising Student Learning (Australian spelling), provides an overview of the school's practices and the next 12 videos describe those practices and show them in action: Learning Agreement Time, Student Led Reporting to Parents, Student Voice, Student-Teacher Conferencing, Targeted Teaching (small group workshops), Documenting Children’s Learning, Student Learning Plans, The Third Teacher (Learning Environments), Authentic Learning (real-world), Collaborative Learning, Differentiating the Curriculum, Autonomous Learners Program for Year 5 & 6 Students, and Staff Development and Appraisal (new June 2013). -- Bob

Personalising Student Learning

Learning Agreement Time

Student Led Reporting to Parents

Student Voice

Student-Teacher Conferencing

Targeted Teaching (Small Group Workshops)

Documenting Children’s Learning

Student Learning Plans

The Third Teacher (Learning Environments)

Authentic Learning (Real-World)

Collaborative Learning

Differentiating the Curriculum

Autonomous Learners Program for Year 5 & 6 Students

Staff Development and Appraisal

Other Wooranna Park Videos