Presentations at Cuesta College and Allan Hancock College
September 24-25, 2009
1. New Ingredients for Student Success: Social Networks,
[Powerpoint 2000 file, 1.0 MB]
2. Learning in the 21st Century Students as Self-Directed and Self-Assessing Learners,
[Powerpoint 2000 file, 3.7 MB ] [Note: Be patient downloading these files --it takes 2-5 minutes, even on a high speed connection]
3. Videos on Project-Based Learning, 21st Century Skills, and Assessment at Napa New Technology High School
4. Articles
- "New Ingredient for Student Success: Social Networks", March, 2002
- Making 21st Century Schools: Creating Learner-Centered Schoolplaces/Workplaces for a New Culture of Students at Work, by Bob Pearlman, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY/September-October 2009
- "21st Century Learning in Schools – A Case Study of New Technology High School in Napa, CA", published in New Directions for Youth Development, Volume 2006, Issue 110 (Summer 2006), Special Issue: The Case for Twenty-First Century Learning.
- "New Skills For A New Century: Project-based learning teaches kids the collaborative and critical thinking abilities they'll need to compete", Edutopia magazine, June 2006.
5. Rubrics from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Includes New Technology High School Rubrics.
6. New Technology 21st Century High School Model - General Information, Articles, Videos, Research. List of and links to New Technology High Schools.
7. Collegiate Learning Assessment/College and Work Readiness Assessment
Bob Pearlman
21st Century School Development Consultant