Princípios/Objetivos e Práticas de Aprendizagem do Século 21

SINEPE/DF 21st Century Learning Training with Bob Pearlman

San Francisco, April 22, 2016

[Wednesday, April 25: Esta página está agora completa. Você pode baixar a apresentação em PowerPoint aqui e ver todos os vídeos da escola aqui. E você pode me contatar em]

1. Princípios/Objetivos e Práticas de Aprendizagem do Século 21, . Click link or picture to Download.

2. Agenda

Activity 2: Panel of Students from Napa New Technology High School: Joel Duarte, Diana Crisostomo, Fernanda Romero, Marcos Arevalos

3. Resources

a. Schools shown on Videos

b. Video page with all the school videos shown

c. Bernie Trilling books on 21st century education


d. New Learning Environments

Presentation to ISACS Conference, St. Paul, MN, November 5, 2015: From Students to Learners: New Learning Environments for 21st Century Learners,

e. Innovation Labs and Makerspaces

Presentation to ISACS Conference, St. Paul, MN, November 5, 2015: We Make Makers! The new Innovation Labs, Makerspaces, and Learning Commons,

f. Articles by Bob Pearlman on New Learning Environments and Innovation Labs

Bob Pearlman
21st Century School Development Consultant
