Featured 21st Century Learning Videos -- September 2019:
Wooranna Park Primary's School's Learning Environments and Stimulating Learning Platforms: A Student-Driven Approach to Experiential Learning. The newest Schools That Work video series from edutopia features my favorite primary school on the planet, Wooranna Park Primary School, in Melbourne, Australia. See Suzie Boss's excellent profile of One School's Uncompromising Take on Student Choice. See much more about Wooranna Park on the school website and also on the extensive web profile on my website.
Featured 21st Century Learning Videos -- May 2019:
Where Students
Lead chronicles the dramatic student impact of the CAPS
profession-based education model, and its growth across the country.
The film and speaking tour is part of an overarching campaign to propel
experiential learning. CAPS is one example of the global experiential learning
movement impacting all levels of education. The film is currently being
screened across the country. Film
Poster | Info
Sheet | Rack
Previously Featured 21st Century Learning Videos
February, 2021: :Lucas Education Research releases 4 new studies demonstrating the powerful efficacy of PBL in all student learning, February, 2021
April, 2017: Albemarle County Public Schools reinvents the high school student experience through High School 2022
April, 2017: Updated profiles of exemplar Teacher Externship programs
October, 2016: Updated profile of High Tech High (San Diego, CA) and Most Likely to Succeed Film.
September, 2016: Project-Based Learning in Chile / Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) en Chile
September, 2016: Profiles of UK 21st Century Schools: School21, Hartsholme Academy, and XP School
September, 2016: Profession-Based Learning at Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) in Overland Park, KS, and Vantage, the Minnetonka, MN, Advanced Professional Studies program, provide students the opportunity to deeply explore professional areas of interest through a profession-based, inquiry learning method.
September, 2016: Design Thinking in Schools K12. Compilation of key links I put together recently to help schools I work with learn about the best practices in Design Thinking in schools K-12.
June, 2016: Keynote presentation at the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) Pacific Northwest Region Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 22, 2016
June, 2016: Podcast on Developing and Implementing 21st Century Project-Based Learning Schools, with Bob Pearlman and Mark Standley. Hosted by Duanne Redus at Wimberley Valley Radio, KWVH 94.1, Austin (TX) Hill Country, on Thursday, June 10, 2016.
March, 2016: My selection of the best videos on PBL in schools. This selection includes the outstanding series from edutopia and the best videos from PBL schools on their pedagogy, protocols, processes, and systems for teaching and learning.
February 29, 2016: UPDATED 2016 PBL Institutes and 21st Century Learning Conferences
January 19, 2016: Engage Students in STEM through Powerful Projects and Investigations, blog by Bob Pearlman, at Real Experieinces at Life
November, 2015: Recommended Study Tours and Site Visits to 21st Century Schools and Districts
November, 2015: Recommended 21st Century Teacher Practice Blogs: Designing Student Learning Experiences
March, 2015: Libraries & Learning Commons
December, 2014: Designing Classrooms & Schools for 21st Century Learners, Blog by Bob Pearlman, Partnership for 21st Century Skills Blogazine, December 1, 2014
October, 2014: 21C District web profile of Albemarle County Public Schools, VA
August, 2014: Wooranna Park Primary School's Stimulating Learning Platforms
April, 2014: Innovation
Labs, Makerspaces, and Learning Commons
January, 2014: 50
free PBL Inquiry Starter Videos from David Thornburg and Knights of Knowledge
and profile of David
Thornburg's work
January, 2014: Vantage, Minnetonka's Advanced Professional Studies Program
October, 2013: ,
a 21C Professional Learning activity
for you and your colleagues
August, 2013: Bob's Web Redesign Project
May 2013: Wooranna Park Primary School's Best Educational Practices videos. Web profile of Wooranna Park Primary School, Melbourne, Australia. Also see Wooranna Park's Stimulating Learning Platforms.
May 9, 2013: President Obama visits Texas technology school, Video of President's speech to Manor New Technology High School
January, 2013: Recommended PBL Trainers, Training Institutes, and PD Services Organizations
January, 2013: Autonomous Schools and Innovation Zones
November, 2012: STEM -- Innovative STEM Middle Schools / Innovative STEM High Schools / STEM Learning Networks and Resources
September, 2012: Whats Working? Lessons from pioneer 21st century school districts, Part 1. P21 blog by Bob Pearlman, September 17, 2012. Part 2, September 24, 2012.
April, 2012: Recommended
Handbooks and Guides on Project-Based Learning (PBL)
December, 2011: Wooranna Park Primary School, Melbourne, Australia, and Wooranna Park's Stimulating Learning Platforms
October, 2011: 21st Century Elementary Schools
Updated September , 2011: Innovative 21st Century Skills School Districts