More What's New!
2012: 21st Century Learning -- Elementary
Schools / Secondary Schools
/ School Districts / Learning
Environments / Project-Based Learning
/ PBL Trainers / Books
/ Blogs / Videos
/ Articles by Bob Pearlman
2013: Wooranna Park Primary School's Best
Educational Practices videos. Web profile of Wooranna
Park Primary School, Melbourne, Australia.
9, 2013: President Obama visits
Texas technology school, Video of President's speech to Manor New Technology
High School
2013: Wooranna Park Primary School's Best
Educational Practices videos
2013: Recommended PBL Trainers, Training
Institutes, and PD Services Organizations
2013: Autonomous Schools and
Innovation Zones
2012: STEM -- Innovative
STEM Middle Schools / Innovative
STEM High Schools / STEM Learning Networks
and Resources
2012: Whats Working? Lessons from pioneer 21st century school districts,
1. P21 blog by Bob Pearlman, September 17, 2012. Part
2, September 24, 2012.
2012: New book: Transforming
Learning through 21st Century Skills: The Who Took My Chalk? Model
for Engaging You and Your Students, By Lydotta M. Taylor and Jill M.
Fratto. Foreword
by Bob Pearlman.
2012: Recommended Handbooks and Guides
on Project-Based Learning (PBL)
2, 2012: The Future of Science
Education: STEM and Workforce Readiness - Webinar and Video - features
Project-Based Learning with interviews of Bob
Pearlman, Suzie
Boss, Thom Markham,
Megan Pacheco,
and Dan Liebert.
2011: Wooranna Park Primary School,
Melbourne, Australia, and Wooranna Park's Stimulating
Learning Platforms
2011: Book Review:
Spotlight on Technology in Education (Harvard Education Press, 2011),
by Bob Pearlman, Educational Technology, November-December 2011)
2011: 21st Century
Elementary Schools
September , 2011: Innovative 21st Century
Skills School Districts
2011: Innovative STEM Middle Schools
and Innovative STEM High Schools
2011: School
Environments: Transforming Learning Spaces, The Whole Child Podcast,
with Bob Pearlman, Kristin Cuilla, and Luis Torres.
2011: Exemplar STEM New Technology
High Schools
17-19, 2011: Presentations and handouts at
the Learning & Brain Conference, San Francisco, CA
4, 2010: Saturn School of Tomorrow (1989-2003)
13, 2010: 21st
Century Learning Summit, Chicago, IL
22-23, 2010: P21 Cyber Summit 2010
2010: Articles
by Elliot Washor on Next Generation Learning
2010: PBL Update from Israel,
by Sherman Rosenfeld
2010: The Tech &
Learning Magazine 100@30 names its first 30 honorees -- the people most
important to the creation and advancement of the use of technology in education.
14, 2010: Presentations and handouts at the Building
Learning Communities 2010 Conference, Boston, MA
2010: Designing New
Learning Environments to Support 21st Century Skills (PDF, downloadable),
chapter by Bob Pearlman, in the new book, 21st
Century Skills: Rethinking How Students Learn
2010: Exemplar New Technology
21st Century High Schools
2010: 21st Century Learning
2010: New Learning
Environments to Support 21st Century Learners
2010: New Book by James Bellanca: Enriched
Learning Projects: A Practical Pathway to 21st Century Skills
and Foreword by Bob Pearlman
2009: Recommended Books and Blogs
on 21st Century Learning
2009: Social Networks to Connect
Todays Youth with Tomorrows Careers
September, 2009: Making
21st Century Schools: Creating Learner-Centered Schoolplaces/Workplaces
for a New Culture of Students at Work, by Bob Pearlman, EDUCATIONAL
TECHNOLOGY/September-October 2009
2009: New Technology 21st Century
High School Model - General Information, Articles, Videos, Research
July, 2009: 21st Century Secondary Schools
May, 2008: My PBL Odyssey by Joe Oakey
January, 2008: Project Work and PBL in Singapore Secondary Schools
March, 2007: Reconsidering the Design of Schools through the Lens of Project-Based Learning - Interview with Bob Pearlman, the Director of Strategic Planning for the New Technology Foundation, DesignShare and Education Facility Planning News, March, 2007
September 10, 2006: "21st Century Learning in Schools – A Case Study of New Technology High School in Napa, CA", published in New Directions for Youth Development, Volume 2006, Issue 110 (Summer 2006), Special Issue: The Case for Twenty-First Century Learning.
June 2, 2006: "New
Skills For A New Century: Project-based learning teaches kids the collaborative
and critical thinking abilities they'll need to compete", Edutopia
magazine, June 2006.
January 31, 2005: Five Riveting Ideas. Five innovative education leaders (Milton Chen, Bette Manchester, Rick Martinez, Bob Pearlman, and Beverley Royster) share their ideas about technologies that could improve the instructional landscape in this country in the January-February Issue of EDTECH Focus on K-12 magazine.
December 11, 2005: UK Knowledge Share on "New Technology High Schools, USA", by Michael Buchanan, Place Group
September 20, 2005: Project Work (PW) in Singapore
April 27, 2005: "Making the Case for Conversions in 2005 -- It's Getting Harder", report by Bob Pearlman
October, 2004: UK Consulting on 21st Century Learning and Building Schools of the Future
August 1, 2004: "Getting it Done: Boston launches new 5-year technology, teaching & learning plan. Why not you?", article in Techlearning.Com
2009: Presentations and handouts at the 2009 T+L
Conference, Denver, October 28-30, 2009
2009: Presentations and handouts at Central Coast
Community Colleges, September 24-25, 2009
July 29, 2009: Presentations and handouts at the Building Learning Communities 2009 Conference, Boston, MA
November 17-18, 2008: "New Skills, New High
Schools and New Networks of High Schools for the 21st Century ",
presentation to the Indianas Future Conference: Responding to Tomorrow's
World; Breaking the Mold of Today's High Schools
September 13, 2008: STEM Schools of the Future: Putting it all Together, presentation to the Georgia PRISM conference, Atlanta, GA.
July 16-18, 2008: Presentations and handouts at the Building Learning Communities 2007 Conference, Boston, MA
June 23-24, 2008: Sacramento
New Tech Handouts and Presentations for the 2008 Model Schools Conference,
Orlando, Florida. Information on
the New Tech 21st Century High School Model.
November 12-13, 2007: "New Skills, New High Schools and New Networks of High Schools for the 21st Century ", presentation to the Indianas Future Conference: Equity, Engagement & Education for Economic Success- Transforming Today's Schools for Tomorrow's World
June 30, 2007: New
Tech Handouts for the 2007 Model Schools Conference, Washington, DC,
July 1-4, 2007. Information on the
New Tech 21st Century High School Model.
March 29, 2007: "Assessing
21st Century Skills : The New Tech High School Model", presentation
at the CoSN 12th Annual School Networking Conference, San Francisco, California,
March 29, 2007
January 31, 2007: Bob Pearlman and Monica Tipton, "New Models of Learning for the 21st Century: New Tech High School", presentation at the Breaking Ranks High School Showcase, San Diego, CA
July 18-20, 2006: Presentations at the Building Learning Communities 2006 Conference, Boston, MA
June 25, 2006: "New Models of Learning for the 21st Century: New Tech High School", presentation at the 14th annual Model Schools Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 25-28, 2006
April 29 , 2006: Special Pre-Conference Institute: Designing 21st Century Secondary Schools: Focus on the Met , Boston, July 17, 2006
March 29, 2006: "21st Century High Schools: The New Tech High Model", presentation at ESC 13, Austin, TX, on the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Initiative (TSTEM).
July 19-21, 2005: Presentations at the Building Learning Communities 2005 Conference, Boston, MA.
March 14 , 2005: "Transforming Secondary Schools
for the 21st Century", BSF Visioning Day, Liverpool, England
January 12-13, 2005: Presentations
at the 4th Annual Small Schools Planning Institute, St. Petersburg Beach,
November 12, 2004: "Transforming Secondary Schools for the 21st Century", Kent Secondary Head Teacher Conference, Ashford, Kent (UK)
November 5, 2004: Subscribe
to PBLnet Email Group
October 12-13, 2004: Future
Schools, Future Learning Conference, Manchester, England and New
Schools, New Learning Symposium, Birmingham, England
August 25, 2004: "Designing
the 21st Century Secondary Schools:
The New Technology High School Model", High School Redesign Symposium,
New Orleans (
PowerPoint, 5.36 MB)
August 1, 2004: "Getting
it Done: Boston launches new 5-year technology, teaching & learning
plan. Why not you?", article in Techlearning.Com
July 19-23, 2004: Presentation
and workshop materials from Alan November's Building Learning Communities
2004 Conference, Boston, MA
June 28, 2004: "Knowledge
and Skills for the 21st Century", keynote presentation at conference
of School to Career, Inc., New Orleans
June, 2004: Middle
School Reform
Feburary 4, 2004: Offshoring,
Workforce, Education, and 21st Century Skills
November 21, 2003: Top
Ten Recommendations from Alan November and Bob Pearlman to UK Headteachers,
Specialist Schools Trust National Conference, Birmingham, UK
November 18, 2003: Designing
21st Century Student Schools and Learning Environments, Schools
Design Conference, Department of Education Northern Ireland (DENI), Belfast,
Northern Ireland
November 2003: Technology's
Role in 21st Century Learning Workshop
July 2003: Designing
the 21st Century Secondary School Workshop
June 2003: Stages
of Technology Implementation
May 2003: New
Small High Schools and Small Learning Communities
May 2003: Autonomy,
Accountability, and Continuous Improvement
New Sections of the website:
- Subscribe to PBLnet Email Group
- Middle School Reform
- Offshoring, Workforce, Education, and 21st Century Skills
- Stages of Technology Implementation
- New Small High Schools and Small Learning Communities
- Autonomy, Accountability, and Continuous Improvement
- Digital Portfolios
- New articles
- Great Student Work
Pearlman on Project-Based Learning: Video interview by the
George Lucas Educational Foundation