Articles, Reviews, Podcasts and Webinars, Presentations, and Workshops
Engage Students in STEM through Powerful Projects and Investigations, blog by Bob Pearlman, at Real Experieinces at Life, January 19, 2016
Designing Classrooms & Schools for 21st Century Learners, Blog by Bob Pearlman, Partnership for 21st Century Skills Blogazine, December 1, 2014
Whats Working? Lessons from pioneer 21st century school districts, Part 1. P21 blog by Bob Pearlman, September 17, 2012. Part 2, September 24, 2012.
Designing New Learning Environments to Support 21st Century Skills (PDF, downloadable), chapter by Bob Pearlman, in the new book, 21st Century Skills: Rethinking How Students Learn
- Making
21st Century Schools: Creating Learner-Centered Schoolplaces/Workplaces
for a New Culture of Students at Work,
by Bob Pearlman, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY/September-October 2009
- Reconsidering
the Design of Schools through the Lens of Project-Based Learning
- Interview with Bob Pearlman, the Director of Strategic Planning for
the New Technology Foundation, DesignShare and Education Facility Planning
News, March, 2007
- "21st
Century Learning in Schools – A Case Study of New Technology
High School in Napa, CA",
published in New Directions for Youth Development,
Volume 2006, Issue 110 (Summer 2006), Special Issue:
The Case for Twenty-First Century Learning.
- "New
Skills For A New Century: Project-based learning teaches kids the collaborative
and critical thinking abilities they'll need to compete",
Edutopia magazine, June 2006.
- "Redesign Schools
for 21st Century Learning", Published in Five
Riveting Ideas, EDTECH Focus on K-12 magazine, January-February, 2005
- "Getting
it Done: Boston launches new 5-year technology, teaching & learning
plan. Why not you?",
article in Techlearning.Com, August 1, 2004
- "Designing,
and Making, the New American High School", Technos Quarterly,
Spring, 2002. Citation: Pearlman, B. (2002). Designing, and making, the
new American high school. Technos, 11(1), 12-19.
- "Reinventing
the High School Experience", Educational Leadership, April
- "New
Ingredient for Student Success: Social Networks", March, 2002
- "Inside
the Digital Divide in the Silicon Valley: Connecting Youth to Opportunities
in the New Economy", April, 2002. This article is also published
on the website of the Digital
Divide Network.
- "Smarter
Charters? Creating Boston's Pilot Schools", chapter in the book
"Creating New Schools: How Small Schools Are Changing American Education",
Teachers College Press, Fall 1999
- "Bay
Area Needs a Multimedia School-to-Career Partnership", Marin
Independent Journal, June 30, 1997
- "Making
New Learning Opportunities for Students and Teachers", California
Math Council Communicator, June 1999. PDF
- "Straight
Talk About School-to-Career Programs", Interview with Bob Pearlman
- "Can
K-12 Education Drive On the Information Superhighway?", Education
Week Commentary, 5/25/94
- "Can
K-12 Education Drive on the Information Highway?", chapter in
The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure,
National Research Council (National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995)
- "Innovative
Schools as Standard-Bearers: The Dupont Manual (KY) Learning Tomorrow
Program", Case study for Facilitating Change: NFIE Learning Tomorrow
Project and School Reform, 1994
- "Technology
and Society" and "Technological Advances", chapters in
Envisioning the Future: Massachusetts' 21st Century Schools, Mass Ed Online,
Center for Educational Leadership and Technology, 1994
- "Designing
the New American Schools", PDF, Communications of the ACM, May,
- "Designing a
New American School", (with Henry F. Olds, Jr.), Phi Delta Kappan,
Dec., 1992
- "Restructuring
with Technology: A Tour of Schools Where It's Happening", Technology
& Learning, January, 1991
- "Technology's
Role in School Restructuring", Electronic Learning ,Guest Editorial,
June, 1989
An Inspiration for Todays Innovators, Review of Becoming Self-Directed Learners: Student & Faculty Memoirs of an Experimenting High School 40 Years Later, by James A. Bellanca (Editor), Arline Paul (Editor), et al. Review by Bob Pearlman, February 12, 2014. Buy at Amazon.
Review of Leaving to Learn: How Out-of-School Learning Increases Student Engagement and Reduces Dropout Rates, by Elliot Washor and Charles Mojokowski. Review by Bob Pearlman, November, 2013.
New book: Transforming Learning through 21st Century Skills: The Who Took My Chalk? Model for Engaging You and Your Students, By Lydotta M. Taylor and Jill M. Fratto. Foreword by Bob Pearlman. , July 2012
- Book Review: Spotlight on Technology in Education (Harvard Education Press, 2011), by Bob Pearlman, Educational Technology, November-December 2011)
Podcasts and Webinars
Podcast on Developing and Implementing 21st Century Project-Based Learning Schools, with Bob Pearlman and Mark Standley. Hosted by Duanne Redus at Wimberley Valley Radio, KWVH 94.1, Austin (TX) Hill Country, on Thursday, June 10, 2016.
The Future of Science Education: STEM and Workforce Readiness - Webinar and Video - features Project-Based Learning with interviews of Bob Pearlman, Suzie Boss, Thom Markham, Megan Pacheco, and Dan Liebert, February 2, 2012
School Environments: Transforming Learning Spaces, The Whole Child Podcast, with Bob Pearlman, Kristin Cuilla, and Luis Torres, July, 2011
Keynote presentation at the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) Pacific Northwest Region Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 22, 2016
Presentations to the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) on 1. New Learning Environments and 2. Innovation Labs and Makerspaces at Annual Conference, November 5, 2015, St. Paul, MN, and Webinar, May 5, 2016
Princípios/Objetivos e Práticas de Aprendizagem do Século 21, SINEPE/DF (Brasilia) 21st Century Learning Training with Bob Pearlman
San Francisco, April 22, 2016 for the SINEPE DF California schools tour delegation -
January 12-13, 2005: Presentations at the 4th Annual Small Schools Planning Institute, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
November 12, 2004: "Transforming Secondary Schools for the 21st Century", Kent Secondary Head Teacher Conference, Ashford, Kent (UK)
October 12-13, 2004: Future Schools, Future Learning Conference, Manchester, England and New Schools, New Learning Symposium, Birmingham, England
August 25, 2004: "Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools:
The New Technology High School Model", High School Redesign Symposium, New Orleans (PowerPoint, 5.36 MB)
- July 19-23, 2004:
and workshop materials from Alan November's Building Learning Communities
2004 Conference, Boston, MA
- June 28, 2004: "Knowledge
and Skills for the 21st Century", keynote presentation at conference
of School to Career, Inc., New Orleans
- November 21, 2003:
Ten Recommendations from Alan November and Bob Pearlman to UK Headteachers,
Specialist Schools Trust National Conference, Birmingham, UK
- Bob
Pearlman on Project-Based Learning: Video interview by the George
Lucas Educational Foundation
- Designing
the 21st Century Secondary Schools. PowerPoint presentation at the
2003 Building Learning Communities conference (note: this is a very large
file, 6 MB-- download with a high speed connection).
- "New Ingredients for Student Success" (Powerpoint), Harris County Education Technology Forum (Houston), October 1, 2002
July 19-23, 2004: Presentation and workshop materials from Alan November's Building Learning Communities 2004 Conference, Boston, MA
November 18, 2003: Designing 21st Century Student Schools and Learning Environments, Schools Design Conference, Department of Education Northern Ireland (DENI), Belfast, Northern Ireland
November 2003: Technology's Role in 21st Century Learning Workshop
July 2003: Designing the 21st Century Secondary School Workshop